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Myeloma and Related Diseases Registry (MRDR)

Welcome to the Myeloma and Related Diseases Registry database

The Myeloma and Related Diseases Registry (MRDR) was established in 2012 at Monash University in Melbourne, Victoria. The MRDR is a bi-national (Australia and New Zealand) register of patients diagnosed with myeloma, plasmacytoma, plasma cell leukaemia and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS).

The MRDR collects data on patterns of treatment and variation in patient outcomes (both survival and quality of life). It will help clinicians and hospitals to provide the best possible care to people with these conditions and allow evaluation of the translation of advances in therapy (such as the introduction of new targeted therapies) into long-term outcomes, outside the setting of clinical trials.

For further information on the MRDR, please view the MRDR website

MRDR Project Manager
Phone: 1800 811 326
Email: sphpm-myeloma@monash.edu